
(A work in progress)

Click on a project name to view more info!


Have you ever felt like there should be an easier way to achieve your fitness goals? Weightr is an Android mobile app designed to help you succeed by creating a simplistic and seamless weight tracking experience that puts you and your busy schedule first. You can easily set a weight goal, submit daily weight, and view all of your weight entries.


Animal Shelter

This web app is for the international rescue-animal training company, Grazioso Salvare. It allows the user to filter the data based on the dogs that are most preferred for the type of rescue situation and populate that data in a table, map and pie chart.



TapzTracking is a multi-purpose tracking web application tool, where users can track time entry, sales, and wages through custom-designed dashboards.


Financial Investment App

This console-based app allows you to calculate how much money you can expect with an interest variable of your choosing that displays growth over 5 years into the future. This can be made into an web or mobile app to make investing easier.


Course Enrollment Data App

A console-based app that grabs a college’s enrollment data to generate an event analysis producing graphs and CSV datasets that get sent directly to your email.
